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How Do You Sleep


This remix is the official remix featuring Ludacris and is Jesse McCartney's third single from his album Departure


Utada Hikaru
Come Back to Me


Utada Hikaru is trying to break into the English market yet again with this new track.
Produced by Stargate! Its an emo-sh track. And i might say Utada is a notti notti dirrty gal... Listen to the song and you'll know why

I heart this song...


Beautiful (feat Colby'O Donis)


REPOST! Link fixed! =p
Akon's third single from his latest album, Freedom. It's a not bad track...

It's a must download ;)


Britney Spears
If U Seek Amy


It's OFFICIAL and I'm OFFICIAL slow in posting this... been very buzzay!
So it's official that If U Seek Amy is the third single of her album Circus! Written by the same dude who gave her, her first #1 hit and first single ever - Max Martin.

If you say "If U Seek Amy" out loud you can hear yourself saying "F-U-C-K Me"
So, if you want to be notti in the clubs... you know what to say ;)

give away:

Lady Gaga's album giveaway!

We've got CDs from this month's artist of the month to GIVE AWAY! YUP!!! You heard us right!!! Featured CD: Lady Gaga's debut album, The Fame We would like to give each and everyone of you a copy... But unfortunately we only have only 3 copies to give away. So to decide who gets it, we're doing a lil mini competition! This is where to fun part begins... On your right there is a form with the title "dirrtyinvitation"? With that form, you can invite your friends from your Hotmail/Live Mail, Yahoo! Mail and Gmail address book. If you select the Hotmail/Live option, it will grab your Window Live Messenger/MSN contacts!!! And you can choose who you want to tell about our site! The top 3 people who send out the most invitations will win the CD! If you used more than 1 emails, just post the email addresses you have used in this entry... =) Note: We do not store your passwords! Only your email addresses and the number of people you have invited. *Terms and Conditions apply. Artist of the Month - January 2009 :: Featured write up

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